Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Assessment - Indy Reading Project - December

Rachel 3/5 Responses
Strong responses.  Even though the last one is short, I tend to agree with your conclusions.  Is anything lost though?  Do you get a sense of setting?   (And if not, is it even important that you do?)

Derrick 5/5 Responses
Good start to that last response.  It sounds like you are trying to analyze Brian's actions.  I need you to go a bit further and be a bit more focused.  Try using one of those questions.  In a book where setting is so important some real insight can be gained by considering that element.

Candace 5/5 Responses
Candace, I like that in your responses you try to reach to explain things that are difficult.  Keep up the good work.  Just reread your work before hitting publish.  It might will you identify holes in your discussion that you can fill in.

Tony 5/5 Responses
Well dude, hope you enjoyed Perks.  It's a great book.  Try to vary your responses next time.  You start to talk about different stuff in your responses, but keep coming back to the same thing.  Anyway, I think we covered that territory already.  

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