Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Time Machine 2

After reading chapter five, I must say that theres something odd about this Wells character (the author). He pulled alot out of his @@@. It took imagination to describe the time machine so descriptively in the third chapter... Brass metal, Nickle rods an inch too short, oil on the quartz rod... But back to chapter five. This is where he (Wells) explains the time traveling experiance. At first time moved an hour a minute, then it was a year a minute and the snowfall and spring of a year were viewed in extra fast motion.
The whole piont to this scientific fiction is hard to realize. Every book has a meaning, and every book has at least three themes. Im not trying to find themes in the book, but wheres the meaning of it. My question brought me to the summary at the books back cover. Which in return asked if its thought that time travel (like space travel) will one day occur... Honestly I dont believe that, because we can see space, but not time, and ya gotta see it to believe it.
The Time Machine by H.G Wells is not only sciene fiction, but also a mystery. I never seen the movie, so I relie on the book to answer questions. But in order to do that, you must read previous pages. But I dont often do that, so I keep reading ahead... And I think that the books reasoning is: When thou travels time for real, they only do it TWICE. The way there, and the way back! TONY F

1 comment:

greeneyeboi said...

Your book sounds very interesting and deep in detail.hope you finish soon so I can get some feedback on if I should read it or not.