Tuesday, February 19, 2008

When the feeds were shut off because of malfuctioning and the kids were stuck in the hospital they still made the best of it.

Feed By M.T. Anderson
Pages 60 - 86.

While the kids were on the moon, a liberal was protesting the feeds and caused a malfunction in them.
It almost gave them a virus that caused them to go hay-wire. Because of this everyone was "shut off" and
taken to the hospital so that tests could be run and things could be returned to "normal." The feeds not
only semi-control the kid's minds but they also bring them entertainment. Our forms of watching television, surfing the internet, instant messaging, talking on the phone and even shopping is included in their feeds.
So you can imagine how boring it would be sitting up in a hospital room with absolutely nothing to do.
Titus and his friends however made the best out of it though. They came up with their own games using materials from inside the hospital rooms and had long conversations about what they would be doing when everything was back to normal. Even though these kids are in a different time period and in different circumstances than we can get into they still teach us a lesson. Whatever situations we get into, when we make the best out of things we are better off then if we complain the whole time.

I mean wouldn't you rather be positive than sit there and feel sorry for yourself ?

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