Wednesday, April 30, 2008


So far my research is going okay i'm now just focusing on the Army.I went back to my original source(Google)and typed in "army veterans"and found some info on some past soldiers and their drastic stories.This website ""gave me some ideas of what life is like after the army.For exaample

.Ronald Brisbon is a Persian Gulf War veteran. After suffering a heart attack, Brisbon says he was no longer able to perform manual labor, which was required in his former job. He later lost his job and, as a result, his job-sponsored health benefits. Brisbon now spends his time researching benefits that might be available to him through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

.Keith Michael Robinson served 12 years in the U.S. Navy and admits he likely suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. After battling substance abuse, Robinson says "an inability to grasp responsibilities" led him to a life on the street. The veteran admits to having been too proud to ask for help.

These war vets served our country and actually servived to tell their stories but how do we give day for them to celebrate and a life of pain and suffering.

hill, lee. "homeless veterans tell of service,life on the streets ." people and places 11 12 2007 04 30 2008 .

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