Monday, April 14, 2008

Where does Common Sense derive, and how is it used?

I am, at least in my own mind, a very logical person. If I need a serious question to answer, I use certain skills to acquire a logical answer. The importance of logic is immense, as are the capabilities that strong logic can give you. You will reason to your own self using logic, and stop your self from getting into a jackpot [trouble]. Thus putting it all rhetoric (through logical interpretation). Yet logic simply isn't common, in which logically means that common sense isn't common either(Me. And please comprehend that I am not talking about people like Barrack Obama, or Hillary Clinton (smart people). I am referring to the more common people, that aren't so bright (like George W Bush). How often do you see someone make an illogical choice such as allowing their car to run out of gas... A choice that really should be common sensible. Keep gas in the tank! Don't just doze off and forget that you need to fill up! And believe it or not, Ive seen this before... And it made me wonder whats so common about common sense. Even OUR president is stupid. But then I realized an even better question. What is common sense, where does it come from, and what skills are involved with the art of common sense. Considering I am in the abstract, within a common sensible reality, This is the question Ive chosen to answer. And my goal is for anyone reading through my argument to comprehend how to gain, and use a reliable common sensible reality. And the reason I have such a goal, is because I feel that if everyone was merely more abstract, they would be able to to reach a domain of common sensible reality. And the phrase common sensible reality came from Patrick Hayes.

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