Monday, April 28, 2008

Music's Effects on Our Society: The Search Begins

So far my search has not necessarily been difficult but i have been given a lot of options in which direction to take my research project. As of right now my question may be a little bit too broad. Instead of asking what effect music and the musicians that make it have on society, maybe i should break it down more and use one genre of music for my research rather than music in general. This way i could narrow down my search and find a more direct answer to my question. Right now when i type in anything that has to do with music i get millions of pages and it's hard to go through all of them and get rid of the ones that are irrelevent. So far the articles that i have read have all had one thing in common.
Music has a sort of power over us like nothing else. "
Music has a significant affect on its listeners. it is used to inform the masses. music can influence the way we dance, dress, talk and it also sets the tone for cultures."
(wiki answers )
I think that this is a wide open statement and should be broken down more so that my question can reach out to people on an individual level. Plato says that " If you want to measure the spiritual depth of society, make sure to mark it's music." From what i've learned so far i have descided to base my question on a particular genre, most likely hip hop or rock and see where it takes me from there because how one genre affects society can be completely different from how another one does.
wiki answers, "how does music affect society.
" 09052008 .

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