Thursday, May 8, 2008

2ND POST-What can we do about political corruption?

I am now on my second post and I am beginning to understand my topic and the question itself. i visited you tube and found lots of videos on politics good and bad ones. While watching these videos I realized how much the media /internet impacts and influences the behavior and fate of politicians. For example while on you tube I typed in Barack Obama, and ileast 10 videos came up saying " obama girl". I was curious as of what this was , so I watched it , and it was a young women singing and gyrating while pictures and video of senator Barack obama showed played in the back ground. This young woman is a prime example of obamas audience, he has younger followers. Which could be a good thing politics wise, but the actuality is things like this can come back to hunt you. Meaning , later on in his career he could be accused of having affairs with minors, or rape and they coiuld look back on this video and beleive that it was true. Due to the fact that a young woman who obviously was off her knockers; gyrated and sanged to barack obama videos and pictures, and posting her own video on youtube. This is why the media can bring you to rock bottom or can sky rocket someones career. Which brings up the topic at hand, political corruption- what can we do about it? We can start with the media dont belive everything it says and dont take to lightly the things IT does say is true. Another thing YOUTUBE which is our media source, our cnn, our fox, or watever news source or tpe of media out their. Youtube is our way of expressing our self, but sometimes we can go to far with the way we express our selfs. Even politicans have to becareful with te way they try to expose themselves because in the end it will only hurt or better themeselves.



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