Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Final Reflection: where does Common Sense derive

Common sense... It's knowledge that is assumed to be common among us all. In some way, there is knowledge that we all share whether we realize it or not, but common sense is an individual characteristic. Thats what common sense is, however it derives from our own philosophies. And our own philosophy comes from our thought process... You look both ways before you cross the street. Tell me why? Answer that question with your conclusion that is based solely on your analysis of that particular event... Now realize that the common sense to look both ways before crossing, solely derived from your analysis. When you are asked why your analysis is what it was, you state your philosophy, or [two cents], in which would most likely conclude that a car could run you over!

The art of common sense! Useing common sense everyday of your life is important. In fact, I would think its the practical thing to do. Believe it or not, we all can answer a variety of the questions we ask ourselves, and the questions asked of us! In previous posts, Ive referred to mechanisms of common sense... All they are for is specification. Meaning that they provide an answer to the why. Why is your conclusion logical, and explain your analysis? Logic derives from your common sense. Which means that common sense should provide logic. Looking both ways before you cross a street provides logic. The Reasoning answers why! Any Knowledge you have can lead you towards the correct interpretations. An observation can teach you, and your thought process is your Introspection.

Conceptualization... This is not only what is specified, but also the common sense itself. The concept that you shouldn't cross the street without looking both ways, is specified by the reasoning that if you do cross without looking, a car could run you over. Thats merely why you do not cross the street without looking first. In which clearly proves that common sense derived from the analysis (in which was gathered by useing ontology). And your analysis is a philosophy... However the philosophy, is the specification of the concept.

Philosophy... This method of organizing information is where common sense derives. You cannot use common sense before you have an opinion, or philosophy, that puts logic into the idea of looking both ways... And the reason that philosophy is involved is because you must cunclude by yourself. Your very own thought process is the main component that forces a philosophy out of the thing between our ears! That is why common sense derives from philosophy.

Without the philosophy... well, in this case common sense would not be reliable. You would look both ways, and do it without reason... The only way you could learn not to touch a pot on the stove is by touching it first; Because you lack the philosophy [that was gathered through thought process] that concludes you could burn yourself, by touching that hot pot! The philosophy behind the concept is like the hunter and gatherer of common sense. Without philosophy, common sense is illogical. Becoming two words on some old guys bumper sticker. Without the philosophy involved with common sense, Thomas Piane wouldnt have been capable of writting the book "Common Sense". And considering that the book pursuaded revolution quite well, its safe to assume that common sense without philosophy wouldve halted the American Revolution dramatically... But that's a little far out.

Common sense derives from your philosophy... This conclusion is logical not because I said so, and not because anyone else said so. This conclusion is based upon all my reasoning and thought process. Common sense is is meant to be logical. That view leaves for the requirement of an analysis, in which creates your philosophical expression of the reasoning you went through! This means that all the reasoning creates the concept, and the concept is common sense. Common sense derives from your philosophy because the logic is neccasary and proper.

The reason I choose to answer this question is because I had a goal... My mission was to pursuade my audience to use common sense on a daily basis. After reading this, I want you to comprehend that the art of common sense is merely the art of providing logic to your decisions, and chioces. And I feel that if I can complete that mission, and all my audience members were to pass on this view, then the world may be a more common sensible domain. We shall all use common sense our own way, But when you realize how it's used, you shall use common sense in a logical mannor. Provide yourself with the integrity that comes from useing the art of common sense... Be in the abstract, and try to understand whats going on around you.

"Thomas Paine."http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Paine. Common Sense. 1770s

1 comment:

Ekon 235 said...

I agree you, but common sense could also be derived from instincts.

It's within our DNA to avoid danger. And instinct is the machenism employed by the brain to discern whta is danger and what isn't.

therefore philosophy as the only driving force behind common sense could be misleading.

Since ALL organisms, without exception, that reside in this earth is sentient, they all have instincts and therefore common sense, extremely limited though.