Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ontology, and common sense blog 4

When you see this word, Im sure your very weary of what you are about to read. How could such a word be involved with common sensible reality. Well, the shortest definition I could find was this: Ontology is the specification of conceptualization. And I must explain this because I cant leave you in the dark!

First we shall notice the word conceptualization. What does that mean? Well, the word isnt incoherent in any way. But at times, Ive stated that its neccesary to be in the abstract to grasp my intellect. Anything thats assumed to exist in some area of interest is conceptualization (what is ontology). It is most certianly not a guess, and if you feel you should consider it in that way, than call it an educated guess. Conceptualization is catagorized by the concepts from your thought process. Because ontology is the specification of what is assumed, basically.

Specification. A word that derrives from specify! Specification is the addition of logic, reasoning, and any other reflex used when your asked to specify an issue. Its the answer you come up with when referring to the why thats involved. If you speak frequently about George W Bush's stupidity, and I were to ask you why, and specifically why, then I'd expect a logical answer. In finding your answer, you could rely on your knowledge of the war, and how pointless it is, and why. You may even refer to that wonderful smerk that he always ends his speeches with. Maybe you'll consider to flip the table and ask me why he isnt stupid, and I would most certainly feel free to rely on the knowledge I have about George Bush to expose him for how stupid he really is. And the art of doing such is specification! Without specification, your analysis, and conclusion of the issue may not be common sensible reality.

I have frequently refered to common sense as an art! By now, you ought to comprehend the meaning for that. I call it the art of common sense not just because it is uncommon; However because its a skill, just as kung fu is. A kung fu expert will rely on his knowledge of combat to fight. If he or she is in a position thats new, then his or her knowledge guides them towards the knowledge of what to do to stay on top of the fight. In the same way, my knowledge of U.S gov't and politics could guide me through certain aspects that may be new to me. In fact, on the AP gov't and politics exam (may fifth), I knew what a fiscal policy was, because I knew about new federalism, and the fact that it was also known as fiscal federalism. That knowledge was used as a background, to help me conclude just what fiscal policy was! And that my friend is how the art of common sense is used!

Lets say however, that I was unaware of new federalism. I would have had a harder time concluding its meaning. I would'nt be able to recall on a reliable source of knowledge, but I could read the question deeper, hope to comprehend all other aspects, and use logical reasoning and intellect to discover the meaning of the word! But of coarse common sense has it's limits. Its always safe to assume, when you can specify. But when you cant specify, then your conclusion isnt logical. If you cant logically answer the question of "why did you assume?," then your common sensible reality will tell you that your probably wrong, because your reasoning cant contradict the fact that you are wrong! without the background, you introspect upon what YOU conclude after self examination of the issue!

Introspection, believe it or not is closer to ontology, than a knowledgeable background. Ontology is the method of finding the first philosophy. You assume it is there, reason why its there, how it became such, when it happened, what it does,etc. In which is all conceptualization. But its of immense importance to reason logically! That would be the specification. Ontology is the proofreader of common sensible reality. If you use it, you'll have a logical answer, or you'll learn that you simply dont know. Either way, there is most certainly more to common sense that meets the eye when you elaborate upon it. I do use such methods when I use my common sense, but I dont think about ontology, or reasoning, or logic... I just use them naturally. And when you dont, your answers could lie in an uncommon sensible domain. This is why Ontology is an important mechanism of common sense, in which deserved its own blog. And the reason I say such is because you must specify your conceptualization (thought process).

Basically, when you use the mechanisms I refer to in my second blog (mechanisms of common sense) to analyze the thought process, You are using ontology, considering that those mechanisms are used to specify, and help provide logical conclusions and/or answers. And considering that the methods of ontology are the methods of philosophy (what is ontology), than I'll assume that philosophy is kinda like a driver of common sense. Thus, all decisions of your own common sense derives from your own philosophy!
"Thomas Paine." Common Sense. 1770s

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