Friday, May 9, 2008

How Music Affects Society Has Turned Into How Hip Hop Music Affects Society.

As i continue my research i am getting closer and closer to finding the answer to my question. People have many different views on wether hip hop music as a genre and a lifestyle is effecting the public in a positive or negative way. Some say that over the years people have gotten sick of hip hop because it has become so negative. As a result record sales for hip hop artists has dropped dramatically. (msnbc ) However there are still millions of fans that will stick to what they know. Most songs out now a days talk about one of three topics : sex,drugs and violence. How does this alone effect our society? Let alone the actions of the artists that make the music. Some of these same artists are the people that we look up to as role models. If they make certain mistakes it makes it harder for their loyal listeners to think that what their doing is all that bad. "Studies have attempted to link it to everything from teen drug use to increased sexual activity among young girls."(msnbc ) However can we really link such things to a genre of music??

Hip Hop & Rap is most often downed for degrading women and portraying violence in its lyrics. However their are many great artists that talk about other things and stick to the basics that made this genre great in the first place. This whole negative outlook on hip hop can be turned around and used for the bettering man kind.
Hip Hop has so many listeners and so many fans. Why couldn't we reach them about how certain aspects of hip hop our negative through the genre that they love : hip hop. I mean seriously should a whole genre, a whole aspect of a culture be thrown away because a few people mad mistakes in their musical careers??
Thinking about that will help find an answer to the essential question.

msnbc, "Hip Hop faces increasing backlash." Associated Press 28 02 2007 13 05 2008 .


Justine said...

I deffinalty think that todays hip hop , rap music controls young kids because what ever they seem to put out in their music.. kids look up to, like what they wear how they act, talk. what happened to all the love songs now a days? like you posted its all about sex drugs & money.

greeneyeboi said...

Personally I think this is a great topic and I think that hip-hop isnt controlling the minds of todays youth.Rappers are looked up to but thats not their job to be looked up to their job is to make and produce records to sell and make money.Some artist do see that their being looked up to as a role model and they try and send a positive message when their speaking in person but not on their records.They all mostly rap about the same things because "THAT SELLS RECORDS" and thats their job.