Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Final Reflection [the conclusion to "how does hip hop music effect society"

This being my final reflection i'm going to start by using one of the first quotes i found at the beginning of my search. "Music has a significant effect on it's listeners. It is used to inform the masses. It can influence the way we dance, dress, talk, and it also so sets the tone for cultures." {wiki answers} Okay so does this mean that Hip Hop music is resposible for alot of the violent acts that are commited like alot of critics say?

Well this is what i found in my search. My essential question started out as "How does music affect society" but later turned into "How does Hip Hop music affect society. Heres what i found. Music, especially Hip Hop music has a great effect on its listeners today. However it has different effects on different people. Everyone responds to things in different ways. Music is something you expierence. Some soak it all in, some hear it and forget it, and some let the lyrics influence the actions of their own life, and so on.

One of the most important things I figured out, but basically already knew was that everyone has the right and power to make their own decisions. We as humans have been given the ability to tell right from wrong, good from bad, and use that information to make the choices that effect our life the most. Some people's will power isn't as strong as others because of the way they were brought up or for whatever reason. This is why the world is full of all different kinds of people, good and bad, with all different kinds of personalities.

The above being said, a genre of music certainly cannot be blamed for the actions of able bodied, thinking human beings. Hip Hop is one of the most criticized genres of music because it is so often blamed for the violence only a few of its listeners commit. This is deffinately and completely unfair. This is like saying that a whole school is bad because a few students cause trouble. It's sad to stay but many times a group of people get looked down upon because of the actions of a few. This really should and needs to be changed. It would completely change society's outlook on the world. We have to learn how to distinguish people from eachother. We can't lump everyone together, because that's where steriotyping comes from.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed my search because I love Hip Hop and hate to see it put down because of a some individuals bad choices. If i didn't make the answer to my question clear here it is. Hip Hop music effects everyone differently. It is enjoyed and loved by many, critisized by some, and some could care less. Also even though music is a powerful thing and does speak to the mind, it has no barring on the actions of those that listen to it. So instead of downing something you are unfamiliar with, try something new and if you dont like it then stick to what you know and leave the rest alone.

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Ekon 235 said...
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